Otherwise it's not science.
But scientists don't use them effectively.
“ Computational science is a special case of scientific research: the work is easily shared via the Internet since the paper, code, and data are digital and those three aspects are all that is required to reproduce the results, given sufficient computation tools. ” - Stodden, 2010.
“ Organized Skepticism. Scientists are critical: All ideas must be tested and are subject to rigorous structured community scrutiny.” - R.K. Merton, 1942
“ It takes just as much time to write a good paper as it takes to write a bad one. ” - Polterovich, 2014
“ The scientific method’s central motivation is the ubiquity of error—the awareness that mistakes and self-delusion can creep in absolutely anywhere and that the scientist’s effort is primarily expended in recognizing and rooting out error. ” - Donoho, 2009.
“ just-in-time review of small code changes is more likely to succeed than large-scale end-of-work reviews. ” - Petre, Wilson 2014
“ It takes just as much time to write a good paper as it takes to write a bad one. ” - Polterovich, 2014