are getting married
May 16th, 2015
Is a mathematician. He does "symplectic toplogy." If you look it up now you can explain it to friends at the wedding! He also likes bikes and Nutella.
We are pleased to announce that after over 7 years together Katy Huff and Matthew Strom Borman are finally getting married!
It all started in September 2007 in the University of Chicago Pub. There, Strom, a first year graduate student, introduced himself to Katy, a fourth year undergrad. She was out with her friends and he with his. When she got up from the booth he intercepted her and said, "I like your bike." Her bike, of course, was parked outside. He must have had his eye on her for a while!
After a year together in Chicago, Katy went to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Strom (and Freddie) drove the UHaul van. Strom returned to Chicago a single man, but they were determined to stay friends. Of course, while they were apart, no one was very happy, so by Valentine's day they were back together, if long distance.
In 2011, after a few years spent riding the bus between Madison and Chicago, Katy moved back to Chicago to finish her dissertation. She did this remotely by working with Argonne National Lab. Strom even overcame his solitary tendencies and moved in with Katy at Bowers co-op, where they spent two beautiful years with a large family of loving individuals.
In 2013, they both got their PhDs (Katy in Nuclear Engineering, from the University of Wisconsin and Strom in Mathematics from the University of Chicago). They landed three-year postdoctoral appointments and moved to glorious San Francisco, California. Katy's postdoctoral appointment is at the University of California - Berkeley. Strom, however, has a postdoctoral apointment that spans both coasts. He is based at Stanford, but for the 9 months before our wedding, he will live in Princeton, New Jersey while he is a member at the Institute for Advanced Study.
You may have thought Strom would never buy a suit. You may have thought Katy would never have time to be a bride! And, what about equality!? Would these two really get married in a world where their LGBT+ loved ones cannot? You were not alone in your reasoning. Katy and Strom thought the same things for many years. But now, everything has changed. Strom has promised he'll visit a tailor, Illinois recognizes same-sex marriage, and Katy doesn't plan to DIY anything except for this website. So, believe it!
To keep this whole thing very simple, the guest list will be intimate, the venue will be familiar, and any attire will be welcome.
1462 E. 53rd St,
Chicago, IL 60637
If you are in Hyde Park early, please join us for a casual welcome dinner generously hosted by Diane Donovan, Jan Strom, Terry Jordan, Mark Borman, and Laurie Laner.
3rd Floor,
1212 E. 59th St.,
Chicago, IL 60637
Please arrive before 6pm.
3rd Floor,
1212 E. 59th St.,
Chicago, IL 60637
Dinner will be served, and the bar will be open.
Petite Folie
1504 E. 55th St.,
Chicago, IL 60615
The morning after the wedding, please join us for a liesurely brunch, generously hosted by Diane Donovan, Jan Strom, Terry Jordan, Mark Borman, and Laurie Laner.
5225 S. Harper Avenue
Chicago, Illinois,
We have reserved a block of rooms under "Huff-Borman Wedding". To reserve, call (800) 233-1234 or reserve online here before April 25, 2015.
AirBnB options exist
everywhere in Chicago.
From most locations, the
Metra train or the #6 bus are
the best ways to get to Hyde Park.
Please fill out the form below
For example, a guest who is bringing a date should fill out the form twice : once on behalf of themselves and once on behalf of their date.
Your presence is the only present that we could wish for. We recognize the precious energy, time, and money you will invest in order to travel to our wedding from all corners of the nation. For this, we are enormously grateful. Furthermore, we have lived together for many years, so we have already arranged a comfortable home and are very lucky to have no remaining material needs. We value experiences and wisdom above all things, so a hug when we see you, a kind letter of advice, or a speech prepared for our wedding will be cherished forever.
If your generosity knows no bounds, rest easy. We are considering an adventurous honeymoon and have registered online at Honeyfund for contributions toward that adventure: